

Artisanal ceramic vase.

Painted free-hand with high-quality acrylic paint and finished with UV-protected varnish.

Best kept indoors or in the shade.

Height: 5 in

Width : 11 in

Availability: 1 in stock


Shipping: The vase will be shipped within 3 to 5 days after purchase (unless advised otherwise). In order to ensure maximum protection for the vases, they are wrapped and packaged carefully. If the item is to break during transport, please email us at [email protected] and we can work together to solve any issues and provide refunds. Otherwise, all sales are final.

Care and Pot Wellness: Our planters fare best when kept indoors. However, they are coated with 3-4 layers of UV-protected varnish, and can also be kept outside (we recommend to keep them in the shade for maximum longevity).

For cleaning, use a damp cloth or paper towel. Use water only—please avoid cleaning products.

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